Peachland Community Health Profile

Some of the indicators presented in the Community Health Profiles are provided with data available at the level of Local Health Areas (LHAs). Please note that some of the LHAs have been given new names in the process of aligning them with newly created Community Health Service Area (CHSA) geographies. To view the new names, click here.

Comparison to BC

The summary below highlights how your community is doing compared to the provincial average.

The graph displays the BC average as a black line and your community’s data as a coloured bar on either side. The length of the bars represent percent difference between community data and provincial average.

Income (dollars, 2016) Community BC
Average household income $85,385 $90,354
Affordable housing (per cent, 2016) Community BC
Owners spending >30% income on shelter 17.2 20.7
Renters spending >30% income on shelter 48.5 43.3
Education (per cent, 2016) Community BC
High school diploma or higher education 86.8 84.5
Employment (per cent, 2016) Community BC
Unemployment rate 8.8 6.7
Active Transportation (per cent, 2016) Community BC
Population walk to work 1.8 6.8
Population bike to work 0.0 2.5
Life expectancy at birth (years, 2011-2015) LHA BC
Total 82.6 82.6
Female 84.5 84.6
Male 80.7 80.6
Chronic disease (age-standardized prevalence rate) (per cent, 2015) LHA BC
Asthma 12.4 12.1
COPD 7.6 6.2
Diabetes 5.8 8.0
Heart failure 1.8 2.0
High blood pressure 21.3 22.8
Chronic disease (age-standardized incidence rate) (per 1,000, 2015) LHA BC
Asthma 6.8 6.1
COPD 9.7 7.6
Diabetes 4.5 6.1
Heart failure 3.0 3.2
High blood pressure 22.3 19.8
Maternal and infant health (per 1,000 live births, 2011-2015) LHA BC
Infant mortality rate 2 4
Low birth weight rate 55 58
Students eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day (per cent, 2015-2016) LHA BC
Grade 3/4 56 51
Grade 7 50 46
Grade 10 42 43
Grade 12 47 42
Students who are physically active (per cent, 2016-2017) LHA BC
Grade 3/4 41 38
Grade 7 64 55
Grade 10 61 54
Grade 12 50 48
Students who do not use tobacco or nicotine (per cent, 2016-2017) LHA BC
Grade 7 93 95
Grade 10 64 78
Grade 12 57 72
Vulnerability in early childhood (per cent, 2013-2016) LHA BC
One or more areas of vulnerability 27 32