BC Municipality Health Profiles
Some of the indicators presented in the Community Health Profiles are provided with data available at the level of Local Health Areas (LHAs). Please note that some of the LHAs have been given new names in the process of aligning them with newly created Community Health Service Area (CHSA) geographies. To view the new names, click here.
2019 Community Health Profiles:
BC Community Health Profiles available for the communities in the Fraser Health region, listed above, are intended to complement the My Health My Community (MHMC) Profiles and MHMC Atlas.
BC Community Health Profiles available for the communities in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, listed above, are intended to complement the My Health My Community (MHMC) Profiles and Atlas. MHMC is a partnership between VCH, FH and the University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Medicine’s eHealth Strategy Office. Local governments, community groups, health authorities and any others can use the information at the community and neighbourhood levels to ensure that planning and service delivery is relevant to resident needs.
Archived Profiles (2014, 2016):
To access archived Community Health Profiles, click here.
BC Community Health Profiles were developed by the Provincial Health Services Authority in support of Healthy Communities across BC in partnership with the Ministry of Health, health authorities, BC Observatory for Population and Public Health, the Union of BC Municipalities, and PlanH. These profiles will help inform local government and community organizations on the health and well-being of their communities. The Ministry’s primary prevention strategy recognizes the importance of local interests in supporting the creation of environments that promote healthy living.