Community Health Service Area
Health Profile (Version 2.0)

1120 Cranbrook


People in communities use infrastructure, supports, and services differently depending on their demographics such as age, sex, and other characteristics.[1] For example, older adults and young families benefit from well-maintained sidewalks and rest areas more than other age groups.

Total population
Census of population, Statistics Canada, 2016


Proportion female
Census of population, Statistics Canada, 2016


Median age
Census of population, Statistics Canada, 2016


1120 Cranbrook

Population Projection

The needs of a community can change with the size and age of its population. Population projections can help planners meet the changing needs of that community.

1120 Cranbrook


A diverse community is a vibrant community. Different population groups often have different opportunities and challenges in maintaining or improving their health. For example, Indigenous people and new immigrants often have more systemic barriers to accessing health services and sustaining health and wellness.

People from diverse cultural and language-speaking groups have unique health needs. These needs must be understood to improve overall health in the community.

1120 Cranbrook

Household Composition

Household composition describes a person or a group of people who live in the same residence. Health and well-being are affected by household composition, including factors such as marital status, single-parent households, and average household size.[2,3]

Due to rounding, these may not add up to exactly 100%
Percentage of the population who are lone parents
2.3 people
Average household size

Data source: Census of population, Statistics Canada, 2016

1120 Cranbrook


Housing refers to an individual’s living space and can include private residences, collective dwellings, and shelters. A community’s housing profile can provide insight into the health status and needs of that community. For instance, spending 30% or more of a household’s income on housing is often considered “unaffordable”.[4] Households spending 30% or more of their income on housing have less money remaining for healthy foods and other basic living costs. Housing costs may include rent or mortgage payments, bills, property tax, or other maintenance fees.[5]

Inadequate or poor housing, such as houses that require major repairs or restoration, may not provide a safe and functional living space.[5,6] In addition, unaffordable or inadequate housing can have a negative impact on physical, mental, developmental, and social health.[6] Individuals may not have the necessary income or resources to repair their dwelling, which could add more situational stress and may lead to poorer health.

Number of dwellings
Percentage of dwellings that are single detached houses
Percentage of the population who rent their dwelling
Percentage of the population whose dwelling is in need of major repairs
Percentage of households with 30% or more of income spent on shelter

Data source: Census of population, Statistics Canada, 2016
