Supporting BC Communities with Health Data

This site was developed and is maintained by the Population and Public Health Surveillance team (part of Data & Analytic Services) at the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority in partnership with the regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health in BC.

Local-level health data highlights community strengths and areas for improvement. This data is important for planning policies and programs that respond to a community''s needs.

To support municipal- and community-level health planning, there are two types of community health profiles available:

  1. Municipality Health Profiles
  2. Community Health Service Area (CHSA) Health Profiles (Version 2.0)

Click on the tools below to explore health profiles for your communities of interest and other communities across British Columbia.

Municipality Health Profiles

The BC Community Health Profiles for municipalities, explore a set of community health data for 142 incorporated municipalities on health and factors that affect health. Data is compiled from multiple sources with information presented in charts, graphs, and tables. Download PDF profiles or data in a CSV (Excel) file.

CHSA Health Profiles (Version 2.0)

The Community Health Service Area (CHSA) Profiles (Version 2.0) explore the demographics, socio-economic and health/disease status characteristics for 195 CHSAs in BC (excluding CHSAs that are identifiable as Indigenous). Data is compiled from multiple sources and then presented in charts, graphs, and tables. Profiles can be downloaded as PDF and data can be downloaded in a CSV (Excel) file.

Health Database

With Search the Database, search health topics of interest for your community or region by topic or by location. Download customized data tables in a CSV (Excel) file.

Some of the indicators presented in the Municipality Health Profiles, the Health Database is provided with data available at the level of Local Health Areas (LHAs). Please note that some of the LHAs have been given new names in the process of aligning them with newly created Community Health Service Area (CHSA) geographies. To view the new names, click here.
